Great Kickstart!

WOW. We are simply floored by the support for this project during our 30 day Kickstarter fundraiser. It's a testament to Jeff's legacy that so many people want to see this film made.

Combined with a generous grant from the CurePSP Foundation, this funding allows us to get started. Is is, indeed, a great kickstart! 

It was an emotional ride for many of us, most especially for all of you who loved Jeff. What we raised in those 30 days was done through the incredible kindness and generosity of hundreds of people, who gave everything from $1 to many thousands of dollars. All given through love, and a desire to make a wonderful work of art that frames the lives of Jeff and his family, friends, and fans. We will work incredibly hard to make this film worthy of all your compassion and caring. 

We thank every single one of you who contributed, and the truly thousands of people we have reached around the world through Facebook and Twitter who have said they miss Jeff terribly, and they are eager to see this documentary come to the world. 

Be sure to sign up for exciting updates about the making of the film, and tell everyone that donations can now be made here on the website!

With love, respect, and tremendous gratitude,
Kyle & Philip